
Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd takes a responsible approach to all aspects of our operations. We continuously work to mitigate our sustainability impacts and take advantage of any opportunities to maximise our positive impact. At Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd we believe that high ethical standards, accountability and good stakeholder relations create long-term benefits. This approach should be a guiding principle for all our decisions, policies and activities.  

Focus areas

We have identified three focus areas and developed relevant objectives. More information about the rationale behind our priorities is included in our Sustainability Report.


Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by targeting energy consumption and transportation. Our overall objective is to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per employee by at least 3 per cent each year.

Our long-term goal for managing supplier sustainability performance is to establish a clear overview of all their operations in relation to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Deliver value for our stakeholders and develop clear internal processes to ensure alignment with the UN Global Compact. To further develop guidelines around our processes for review, communication and training to strengthen procedures to prevent corruption.

Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd has assigned to United Nations Global Compact and acknowledges the ten principles concerning human rights, anti corruption, labour and environment. The ten principles in UN Global Compact also serve as basis for identifying areas for further improvement.

Outcomes in 2020

Our sustainability work helps us achieve our overall objectives and is guided by our sustainability framework. The framework ensures we make continuous improvements through clear objectives and are transparent on sustainability topics. The following outcomes were achieved in our key focus areas in 2020.

  1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions per employee in 2020 was 4.5%. ISO 14001 certifications were achieved in Paderno Dugnano, Masate and Bengaluru.
  2. Supplier management: The target for 2020 was to have conducted 40 additional on-site reviews at suppliers in accordance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. In 2020, 24 reviews were conducted. Due to COVID-19 it was not possible to conduct site visits as planned.A total of 93 suppliers have been audited in connection to quality audits which is an increase of 31 per cent compared to last year.
  3. Develop internal governance: For 2020, the target was to further develop guidelines around our processes for review, communication and training to prevent corruption. This has primarily been done through a developed approach to internal control procedures.
Our objectives for 2021
  1. Environment: Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions per employee by 3%. Complete the overview of Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd’s manufacturing of antibiotics as part of the commitment to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  2. Sustainable supply chain: Re-establish audits post COVID-19 and complete a minimum of 20 new supplier assessments in 2021.
  3. Governance: Complete ISO 14001 certification and ensure relevant planning for ISO 45001 certification across the Group.

View our latest 2020 Sustainability Report >>

Community engagement

Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd engages in social initiatives relevant to its operations and in response to local priorities within the surrounding communities of its facilities. Our Code of Conduct governs which activities local companies can engage in. We take advantage of funding opportunities from local authorities in the countries in which we operate.

Skill development programme

In collaboration with Business France, we run an internship programme with year-long internships. Due to COVID-19 the programme has been paused during 2020.

Social engagement

Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd donates to a variety of non-profit organisations, including the Helpline Charitable Trust in Karnal and Paonta Sahib, India. The trust works with a variety of initiatives that support education, health and career opportunities for under privileged and destitute children – primarily girls.

We also support a variety of non-profit organisations that provide better access to healthcare, and educational and vocational training to disadvantaged people. Many of the initiatives have a clear focus on underprivileged children, the elderly, mentally disabled people and disadvantaged women.

In Bengaluru, India, Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd donates to a local NGO that works closely with government schools on various projects.