Supplier Code of Conduct
Since Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd’s products and services impact people’s lives and health, it is an absolute must that our business is operated in a responsible and ethical way. To ensure high ethical standards, Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd’s Code of Conduct is applied across the whole organisation.
As a supplier to Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd, you play an important role to enable our business model and sustainable success. Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd strives to conduct business with suppliers that share our commitment to high ethical standards and operate in a responsible and ethical way.
To reinforce the standards of Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd’s Code of Conduct, Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd has established this Supplier Code of Conduct. Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd requires its suppliers to acknowledge and adhere to the principles in the Supplier Code of Conduct and expects suppliers to:
- Integrate and apply the principles of Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd’s Supplier Code of Conduct
- Operate in full compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations
- Be aware of cultural differences and challenges associated with applying these principles globally. It is understood that the methods for meeting these expectations may differ and must be consistent with the laws, values and cultural expectations in different societies in the world.
- Implement the principles in a continuous improvement approach
Suppliers should conduct their business in an ethical manner and act with integrity.
- Business integrity and fair competition. Suppliers should not pay or accept bribes or participate in other illegal inducements in business or government relationships. Suppliers should conduct their business in compliance with all applicable anti-trust laws. Corruption, extortion and embezzlement must not exist in the business operations.
- Identification of Concerns. Employees should be encouraged to report concerns or illegal activities in the workplace without threat of reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
- Privacy. Suppliers should safeguard and make only proper use of confidential information to ensure that company; worker and patient privacy rights are protected.
Suppliers should be committed to uphold the human rights of workers and to treat them with dignity and respect. Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd adheres to relevant international standards and conventions and expect suppliers to do the same.
- Freely chosen employment. Suppliers should not use forced, bonded, indentured or involuntary prison labour. All forms of forced and compulsory labour should be eliminated.
- Child labour and young workers. Suppliers should not use child labour. The employment of young workers should only occur in non-hazardous work and when young workers are above a country’s legal age for employment or the age established for completing compulsory education.
- Non-discrimination and fair treatment. Suppliers should provide a workplace free of harassment and discrimination as well as harsh and inhumane treatment.
- Wages, benefits and working hours. Suppliers should pay employees according to applicable wage laws.
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining. Suppliers should respect the rights of employees as set forth in local laws, to associate freely, join or not join labour unions, seek representation and join workers’ councils. Employees should have the right to collective bargaining. Employees should be able to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without threat of reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
Health and safety
Suppliers should provide a safe and healthy working environment, including any company-provided living quarters.
- Worker protection. Suppliers should protect employees from overexposure to chemical, biological and physical hazards.
- Process safety. Suppliers should have programs in place to prevent or mitigate catastrophic releases of chemicals and other identified major risks.
- Emergency preparedness and response. Suppliers should identify and assess emergency situations and minimize their impact by implementing emergency plans and response procedures.
- Hazard information. Safety information regarding hazardous materials should be available to educate, train and protect workers from hazards.
Suppliers should operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner, minimizing adverse impact on the environment. Suppliers are encouraged to preserve natural resources, avoid the use of hazardous materials and engage in activities that reuse and recycle.
- Environmental authorizations. Suppliers should comply with all applicable environmental regulations. All required environmental permits, licenses, information registrations and restrictions should be obtained and their operational and reporting requirements followed.
- Waste and emissions. Suppliers should have systems in place to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, recycling, reuse or management of waste, air emissions and wastewater discharges. Any waste, wastewater or emissions with the potential to adversely impact human or environmental health should be appropriately managed, controlled and treated prior to release in the environment.
- Spills and releases. Suppliers should have systems in place to prevent and mitigate accidental spills and releases to the environment.
Animal welfare
Animal testing should not be used unless alternatives are not scientifically valid or accepted to regulators. If animal testing is carried out, animals should be treated so that pain and stress are minimized.
Management systems and compliance
Suppliers should use management systems to facilitate continuous improvement and compliance in line with the expectations of this Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers are encouraged to integrate the Supplier Code of Conduct into an existing management system or to introduce an appropriate management system.
Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd expects its suppliers to maintain compliance with this Code of Conduct by cooperating in a transparent way with Zocalo Pharmaceutical Ltd and as appropriate give access to relevant documentation and premises.
This Supplier Code of Conduct should also apply for suppliers’ own suppliers and contractors.